Home Lifestyle An American, a Russian and a Blonde

An American, a Russian and a Blonde

A Russian, an American, and a blonde were talking about space.

The Russian said, “We were the first in space.”

The American said, “We were the first to walk on the moon.”

The blonde said, “We are going to be the first on the sun.”

The Russian and the American looked at each other and said, “You cannot walk on the sun, you will burn up.”

The blonde replied, “Do you think we’re stupid? We will go at night.”


A blonde, brunette, and a black haired girl are running.

A blonde, a brunette, and a black-haired girl are running from the police.

So they run into a farm and split up.

The black-haired girl runs behind a cow.

The brunette runs behind a pig, and the blonde runs behind a sack of potatoes.

Night comes and the police eventually find the barn and search it.

One of the policemen looks through the cattle and shines a light at the cows.

The black hair just yells “MOOOOOOOOOO.”

The policeman thinks nothing of it and moves to the pigs.

Thinking fast, the brunette tries to mimic the pigs and yells “Oink” “Oink.”

Once again, the policeman thinks nothing of it and moves on until he stumbles upon the sacks of potatoes.

The Blonde in the best voice she can come up with yells, “POTATOES POTATOES.”


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