Home Lifestyle A wife asks her husband to go to the shop to buy...

A wife asks her husband to go to the shop to buy a carton of milk

A wife asks her husband to go to the shop to buy a carton of milk, and if they have eggs, to get six.

The husband returns with six cartons of milk.

When the wife asks, “Why did you buy so much milk?!”



He replies, “They had eggs.”

The drunkard told his son at the BAR

The drunkard told his son at the BAR:

‘Since the drink is in the genes, you too will take to drinking; of that, there is no doubt. But, you should drink moderately like me and should know when to stop’

‘How to know that, dad?’- Son asked.

His father said:’Er, well, look at that table at the corner. Three people are sitting and drinking. You should stop when they appear as six people. Double the actual number is the limit…Got it?’

‘But dad,’ said the son,’ there’s only one man sitting there.’

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