Two delicate blossoms of Southern femininity, one from Mississippi and the other from Texas,
were conversing on the porch swing of a large white-pillared mansion. The Mississippian said, “When my first child was born, my husband built this beautiful mansion for me.”
The Texan lady commented, “Well, isn’t that nice?”
The lady from Mississippi continued, “When my second child was born, my husband bought me that fine Cadillac automobile you see parked in the drive.”
Again, the Texas lady commented, “Well, isn’t that nice?”
The first woman boasted, “Then, when my third child was born, my husband bought me this exquisite diamond bracelet.”
Yet again, the Texas lady commented, “Well, isn’t that nice?”
The first woman then asked her companion, “What did your husband buy for you when you had your first child?”
The Texas lady replied, “My husband sent me to charm school.”
“Charm school!” the first woman cried. “Land sakes, child, what on Earth for?”
The Texas lady responded, “So that instead of saying, ‘Who gives a crap‘, I learned to say, ‘Well, isn’t that nice?’”
Intelligent Husband!
Wife is busy packing her clothes.
Man: And where are you going?
Wife: I’m moving to my mother.
Husband also starts packing.
Wife: And where do you think your going?
Husband: I’m also moving to my mother.
Wife: And what about the kids?
Husband: Well if you are moving to your mother and I’m moving to my mother then I guess they must also move to their mother.
Three women sit in a beauty parlor talking about their husbands.
The first woman says, “Last night my husband said he was going to his office, but when I called they said he wasn’t there!”
“I know!” the next woman says, “Last night my husband said he was going to his brother’s house, but when I called he wasn’t there.”
The third woman says, “I always know where my husband is.”
“Impossible!” both women exclaim, “He has you completely fooled!”
“Oh no,” says the woman. “I’m a widow.”