Home Lifestyle A blonde and a brunette decided to hold a contest.

A blonde and a brunette decided to hold a contest.

A blonde and a brunette decided to hold a contest.

The contest was simple: they would both jump off a bridge and see who would hit the water first.

They both jumped off the bridge at the same time. Who hit the water first?

The brunette did. The blonde stopped halfway down and asked for directions.

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A blonde wanted to earn some money

A blonde goes to Best Buy and looks at the TVs.

A blonde goes to Best Buy and looks at the TVs.

An employee comes over and asks if she needs help.

The blonde replies, “Yes, I would like you to show me what all these buttons do.”

The employee cringes at her dumbness, but he remembers that she is,
after all, a blonde, and shows her the buttons.

He begins, “This is the volume button. It makes the sound louder
or softer. This is the channels button. It changes the channels.
And this is the power button. It turns the TV off or on…”

blonde interrupts, “But what if I’m trying to turn the TV off
and it turns it on instead?”