Home Lifestyle A blonde gets her haircut while wearing a pair of headphones.

A blonde gets her haircut while wearing a pair of headphones.

A blonde gets her haircut while wearing a pair of headphones.

The hairdresser asks her to take them off, but she protests that she’ll di…e without them.

The hairdresser sighs and starts cutting the hair around the headphones.

Soon, the blonde falls asleep, and the hairdresser removes the headphones.

A few minutes later, the blonde collapses, de//ad on the floor.
Alarmed, the hairdresser puts the headphones to his ear and hears, “Breathe in. Breathe out.”

are you tired of blonde joke?

A Blonde Won A Game Show

A Brunette, Redhead, and Blonde entered into a game show. The host explained the rules, “I will tell a joke for an hour and if you don’t laugh at the end you’ll get $ 5,000! ”

The host starts and after 15 minutes the redhead is out.

He continues and after 40 minutes the brunette is out.

When the clock strikes 59 minutes, he gives up making the blonde laugh. Suddenly the blonde laughs “Why are you cracking up now, all you had was one more minute to win the prize and I didn’t even tell a joke now?” He asks.

She replies, “I know, but I just got the first joke!”