Home Lifestyle A husband and wife are at a church

A husband and wife are at a church

A husband and wife are at a church, listening to a lengthy ceremony.

The wife can’t help herself but fall asleep.

Her husband notices this and tries to wake her up by poking her with his finger.

As he touches her, the sermon asks a question about the gathering that had led the Israelites to freedom from slavery in Egypt.

Startled awake, the woman shouts, “The Almighty!” before falling asleep yet again.

As the ceremony goes on, the husband pokes her once again just as the sermon asks about the one who had sacrificed for the forgiveness of their sins.

The woman, all sleepy says, “Jesus Christ!”

When the sermon asked another question, her husband tried to wake her up for the third time now.

However, the timing didn’t seem to be right as the question was “What words did Eve speak to Adam after the birth of their last child?”

At this point, the wife was angry at her husband for constantly poking her with his finger so she exclaimed, “I swear, if you touch me with that again, I’ll snap it in half.”

Husband asks wife how many men she has been with

A newly married couple is lying in bed and the husband curiously asks his wife how many men she has been with.

Despite his question, the woman remains silent and looks at the ceiling.

Pressing the matter, the husband asks again, assuring her, “Just share it with me, it’s okay. How many men have you been with?”

Still met with silence, the wife’s eyes remain fixed above.

Realizing that his words may have caused discomfort, the husband apologizes: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought we could have an open and trusting relationship…”

However, his wife remains silent.

Feeling a sense of defeat, the husband concedes, saying, “That’s alright, please don’t be upset.”

Despite his attempts to comfort her, the woman does not respond.

The husband determined to bridge the gap, begins to hold her closely, showering her with hugs and kisses as a display of his affection.

In this moment of intimacy, the wife appears to snap out of her silence.

She redirects her gaze from the ceiling to her husband, her expression now one of frustration.

With a hint of exasperation, she blurts out, “Oh, come on! You’ve made me lose count!”

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