Home Lifestyle A pretty young college student visited her professor’s office.

A pretty young college student visited her professor’s office.

A pretty young blonde college student named Sally visited her professor’s office after class one day.

She glanced down the hall, closed the door, and knelt before him as she said, “I’d do anything to pass this exam.”

As she leaned even closer, she whispered seductively, “And I mean, anything…”

The professor looked down at Sally and asked her, “Anything?”

Sally repeated, “Anything.”

The professor asked again in a quiet voice, “Anything?”

Sally smiled, and again said seductively, “Anything at all.”



The professor’s voice turned to a whisper as he asked, “Would… you… study??”

Little Johnny asks his mom.

It’s Christmas morning and after all the gifts are unwrapped Little Johnny asks the following question, “Mother, where did all these pretty toys come from?”

Mother: “Johnny, Santa brought all of them.”

Johnny: “Did he bring everything? Did he bring the electric train, the baseball glove, and the bat? The ice skates…”

Mother: “Yes Johnny, Santa brought everything.”



Johnny: “Well, then who buys all the things in the stores?”