Home Lifestyle A Sunday School teacher asked her pupils.

A Sunday School teacher asked her pupils.

A Sunday School teacher asked her pupils, “Now, children, do you all say your prayers at night?”

A little boy answered: “My Mommy says my prayers.”

“I see,” said the teacher, “and what does your Mother say?



Replied the little boy: “THANK GOD HE’S IN BED!”

LLLLoLLL. did you laugh? we hope you have a good time enjoying this joke. 

Have a nice day!

you are loved!

A man is hiring for an accounting position

A man is hiring for an accounting position and is conducting interviews for each of the hopefuls.

The first accountant walks in and starts to introduce himself, “I’m here for the accounting position.”

The boss asks him, “What’s 2+2?”

“4” replies the accountant.

The boss tells him to get out. Sad, disappointed, and a little confused, the accountant slowly leaves the office.

The next candidate then enters and the boss asks him, “What’s 2+2?”.

“4” replies the accountant.

The boss tells him to get out.

Just as confused as the first accountant, the second one leaves thinking that if the boss is that stupid he doesn’t want to work there anyway.

The next candidate then enters and the boss asks him, “What’s 2+2?”.

The accountant replies, “Anything you want it to be.”



The boss says, “You’re hired”