Home Lifestyle A young woman finally settled into her seat on the train.

A young woman finally settled into her seat on the train.

After a long and exhausting day, a young woman finally settled into her seat on the train, hoping for a peaceful ride home.

She closed her eyes, ready to drift into some much-needed rest.

But her hopes were quickly dashed by the man sitting next to her, who whipped out his phone and began speaking loudly enough for the entire train car to hear.

“Hi, sweetheart, it’s John! I’m on the train,” he announced.

“Yes, I know it’s 6:30, not 4:30, but I had a long meeting.”

“No, honey, I wasn’t with Cathy from Accounts—I was with the boss, I swear.”

“You’re the only one in my life. Yes, I’m sure, dear.”

For a solid fifteen minutes, the conversation dragged on, his voice dominating the space and testing the patience of everyone around him.

Finally, the young woman had enough. She leaned in close to him, then spoke loudly into his phone: “John, darling, hang up and come back to bed already.”

The train car erupted into laughter, and John’s face turned bright red. He hung up instantly.

And from that day on, John never made another loud phone call in public.


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

A young man and a young woman were soon to be married.

A young man and a young woman were soon to be married, but they both had a problem they had never told anyone else about.

The man approached his father one day before the wedding and told him about his problem.

His feet REALLY stunk, even if he washed them constantly, he was worried that this would scare off his new bride, so he needed a solution, fast.

His father pondered the situation and finally told his son to wear socks constantly (even to bed) and always wash his feet whenever he got a chance.

The son thought about this and went along happily.

The same day the young lady approached her mother and told her about her problem

Her morning breath was horrid.

Her mother reassured her and told her everyone had bad morning breath.

The young woman told her mother that this was not normal morning breath but easily the worst in the world.

The mother thinks about this and comes up with this bright idea.

She tells her daughter to get up earlier than everyone else and not say a thing, go make breakfast, and then brush her teeth while the others are eating.

The young woman thinks and then runs off to get ready for the wedding, happy

The couple is married and they are happy, him with his perpetual socks and her with her morning silences.

One morning about 5:30 am the young man wakes up to find one sock missing.

He starts rustling around in the bed looking for it, which of course wakes up his wife, who without thinking asks what’s wrong.

With a look of shock on his face, the young man says, “OH MY GOD! You’ve swallowed my sock!”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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