On the internet, you can find an array of brainteaser puzzles. While others call for your ability to observe, some ask you to employ your analytical and critical thinking skills. While some are simple to resolve, others can be quite difficult. We have an easy one prepared for you today. Are you ready for it? Let’s begin swiftly.
Spot the mistake in the ice skating picture in 6 seconds
The ice skater in the picture is having a good time.
You can tell by the grin spread across her face.
Her arms are outstretched as if she is gliding along.
The rink otherwise seems to be deserted.
The hundreds of empty seats in the background suggest it could be after hours.
Or perhaps she just got there early to beat the crowds.
Either way, she seems to know what she is doing.
The lack of protective gear shows she can avoid nasty slams.
All the appropriate gear is present: hat, gloves, coat – and her skates.
Here’s a clue if you’re struggling.
Have a close look at all the pieces of kit listed above – and see if you can spot anything unusual about them.
Don’t worry if you’re still struggling, we’ve included the solution below.
Did you know that optical illusions have an array of benefits for your mind and body?
Here is the answer for those of you still searching.
The girl’s skates are jagged and bumpy – no good for gliding along the ice.
Did you have fun solving this picture puzzle?