Home History Can you find 7 souvenirs from famous cities lurking in the picture?

Can you find 7 souvenirs from famous cities lurking in the picture?

if you’re looking to put your cultural skills to the test, and get the feel for travel, we’ve got just the thing for you.

Tricky brainteaser challenges YOU to find 7 souvenirs from famous cities lurking in the picture.

Now, here we go!

here are some clues for u:

The seven souvenirs are:

Eiffel Tower: Paris, France
Mannequin Pis: Brussels, Belgium
Matryoshka Doll: Moscow, Russia
Buddy Bear: Berlin, Germany
Luchadores Mask: Mexico City, Mexico
Ceramic Sardine: Lisbon, Portugal
Troll: Oslo, Norway

did you find them all?

Are you ready for the answers?

here they are:

Can You Solve This Valentine’s BrainTeaser in Under 4 Minutes?

It’s time to test your brain with a quick brain-teaser — but don’t let this one break your heart. This adorable Valentine’s Day illustration from Gergely Dudás is actually a hidden-image search that’s pretty damn difficult if you ask me.

The instructions ask followers to look for a “tiny heart” within a background of pink flowers, butterflies, and the occasional cute animals.

On average, it takes 3 minutes and 54 seconds to find all of the items. How quickly can you find it?

Do you see the tiny heart?

If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

If you get stuck, don’t worry! Simply swipe left to get a peek at the solution.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is:


