Home Lifestyle Can You Find The Odd Dog In This Image?

Can You Find The Odd Dog In This Image?

Which dog is different from the rest? Try and find the important details!

At the same time, such things fascinate people – life is not supposed to be easy, and overcoming a challenge is what makes us feel alive. That’s why I want to share this puzzle that I think will make you struggle!

Are you one of the few who can spot it in under 10 seconds?

Most people can’t solve this brainteaser in 10 seconds. I made it just in time, but it’s not as easy as it appears.

There are 3 cartoon dogs in the image below. The challenge is to see which one is different from the rest. There’s a specific detail you need to spot to solve this one.

OK, you’ve got 10 seconds – In 3 cartoon dogs, which dog is different from the rest?

Did you spot it?

Most people can’t do it within 10 seconds, so if you did, congratulations!

Can you do it in under 10 seconds? Keep in mind that most people can’t, below you can see the answer!





The solution is shown below!

The correct answer is that Dog 3 is different! Why? Well, it has a different dog necklace.

Did you spot it in under 10 seconds?

9 Out Of 10 People Can’t Spot The Differences In These Images! But Can You Find All Of Them?


Comment your answer below 👇