Home Lifestyle Can you find the watch that stands out?

Can you find the watch that stands out?

The quiz below is a brainteaser that requires speed and attentiveness.

You have a maximum of 10 seconds to take a look at the picture and to identify the odd one.

Yes, they might all look the same but there is one that is different.

Can you spot it?

Let’s start the clock and make sure you look very closely. Ready? Set! Go!

Which watch stands out?

There are 3 wristwatches in the next picture. Your task is to see which watch stands out. There is a specific detail that is vital for you to solve this puzzle.

Did you see the detail that makes one of the watches stand out? It is, as I said, a small one – but if you find it, the answer is yours!





Most people can’t find it within 10 seconds, if you did, congratulations are in order.

If you didn’t, don’t worry, take as much time as you need, and look carefully. There’s no rush.

Below, you’ll see the answer!

The correct answer is that watch A stands out!

Why? Well, the numbers 6 and 12 have been swapped!

Were you able to see the difference? And did it take you longer than 10 seconds?

Comment your answer below 👇