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Can You Solve It – The Correct Answer Explained

How is your mind focused? Train your brain by trying to solve this math test.

Are you smart enough to ace this question without looking up the answer below? Brainteasers like this one will sharpen your mental focus, boost your memory power, and generally improve your brain functions. It’s never a bad idea to keep your mental tools sharp.

If you are stuck, you can scroll down the list to see the answer. Are you ready for the challenge? Do it!

This emoji math puzzle is going viral and being shared with claims like “only a genius can solve it” or “99 percent fail.”

Can you figure it out?

What is your answer?





In this video, we present what many people believe to be the correct answer.

First equation (3 apples):


This implies that each apple is worth 10.

Second equation (1 apple and 2 bunches of bananas):


So, each bunch of bananas (4 bananas) is worth 4. Each banana is 1. 

Third equation (1 bunch of bananas and 2 coconut halves):


This means that each coconut half is worth 1 (since there are two halves in the picture).

Final equation: The last line shows one coconut half, one apple, and one bunch of bananas:

coconut half+apple+3bananas=??

Substituting the values we found:


The answer is 14.

Can You Solve This Math Test?

In the image below are some equations featuring shoes, cones, and a boy. Can you calculate their values to solve the final equation?

You have just 25 seconds to find the solution. We will give you a tip. Please carefully look over the image.

Can You Solve This?

Finding the solution to this problem requires both creative and analytical thinking.

Scroll down to reveal the correct answer along with an explanation.





The correct answer to the math puzzle:
The image presents the following equations:
Pair of shoes + Pair of shoes + Pair of shoes = 30
Boy + Boy + Pair of shoes = 20
2 cones + 2 cones + Boy = 13

By calculating, from the first equations it follows that:
Pair of shoes = 10 therefore one shoe = 5
Boy = 5
2 cones = 4 therefore one cone = 2

If you observe the image, the last equation is not so simple, as there is one shoe and one cone, and the boy is wearing 2 shoes and holding 2 cones. Those who rushed to do the calculations and did not notice this detail did not find the correct answer.

So, the last equation is:
Shoe + (boy + 2 shoes + 2 cones) x cone -> 5 + (5+10+4) x 2 = 5 + 19 x 2 = 5 + 38 = 43

The correct answer is 43.