Home Lifestyle Can you solve this riddle that will trick your mind?

Can you solve this riddle that will trick your mind?

Can you solve this riddle that will trick your mind? What is the answer to this riddle:

You enter a room and see a bed. On the bed there are 2 dogs 4 cats 1 giraffe 5 cows and a duck. 3 chickens are flying over a bed. How many legs are on the ground?







Since all of the animals are on the bed and no other furniture is mentioned in the room, there are six legs on the floor. Four legs from the bed and your own two legs as you stand in the room, amazed that someone managed to get so many animals onto a bed. And the ceiling must be vaulted to fit a giraffe. Also, who’s on cleanup duty?


Tricky riddles with answer: Can you solve it?

Who doesn’t like riddles? Not only are they fun, but they also work the brain and get us thinking creatively. Furthermore, even if you don’t manage to solve the riddles, you will still have some brain teasers to test your friends and family with.

Below you will find a tricky riddles with answer. Let’s challenge yourself in 3 minutes, can you solve it?

You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy.


The big hint comes at the end with the wind. What does wind threaten most? You have to stretch your brain to come up with something tiny and unexpected.







it is a candle

did you find the right answer? let us know in the comment box.

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