Home Lifestyle Can you spot the camouflaged leopard cub in this wildlife photo?

Can you spot the camouflaged leopard cub in this wildlife photo?

Do you have a keen eye for detail?

Put it to the test and see if you can locate the camouflaged leopard cub in this wildlife photo

Can you spot him in less than 30 seconds? Not many people can do it!

If you’re stuck, here’s a hint: Follow the second tail into the tree trunks.

Thomas advised one follower to look “in between the Y shape on the tree trunk.”

If you still can’t see it, here’s the cub’s face:




Can you spot the lion cup in this less than 40 seconds?

Many creatures in the animal kingdom possess a remarkable ability to hide themselves thanks to their camouflaged coloring that blends in with their surroundings almost to the point where they become invisible.

There is a lion cup in this picture, can you find it in less than 40 seconds?

Take a look!


Did you find the lion cup without our help?

How long did it take you to find these it?

Scroll down to check out the answer:


