Home Lifestyle Find the odd o’clock in less than 30 seconds!

Find the odd o’clock in less than 30 seconds!

How good is your eyesight? Here’s a simple eyesight test that will show how sharp your eyes are.
We all know that “eyes are the windows to the soul.”

Do your windows need cleaning, or are they crystal clear and give a sharp picture of the world? Take this test to find it out!

How fast can you find the odd O’clock?

Did you find the odd O’clock?

Need a few more minutes?

We’ll give you some more time …

Found it?


We’ll give you one last shot.

Ready to see where it’s hidden?

Alright, here it is:




Find the hidden Rhino

ONE of these things is not like the others in this tricky brainteaser. There is a Rhino hidden in this pic.

YOU could be the record holder if you spot the Rhino in this tricky brainteaser within 20 seconds.

Scroll down to check the answer:

Do you see the Rhino?

If not, that’s OK.

Keep trying.

Here’s a hint.

It’s near the left side of the pic

If you want to see the solution, keep scrolling.

Last chance to turn back!

Here it is: