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First you eat me, then you get eaten. What am I?

Now we have a fun and tricky riddle for you today.

Let’s give it a try!

First you eat me, then you get eaten. What am I?

There are many different ways to think of an answer. Did you find it difficult?


Think about it, then comment your opinion before scrolling down for the answer.


It’s a bait.

A fish eats a bait and then when caught it is eaten.

Do you think so?


More Riddle

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1. Riddle: What has lots of eyes, but can’t see?

2. Riddle: What has one eye, but can’t see?

3. Riddle: What has many needles, but doesn’t sew?

4. Riddle: What has hands, but can’t clap?

5. Riddle: What has legs, but doesn’t walk?

6. Riddle: What has one head, one foot and four legs?

7. Riddle: What can you catch, but not throw?

8. Riddle: What kind of band never plays music?

9. Riddle: What has many teeth, but can’t bite?







1.Answer: A potato

2. Answer: A needle

3. Answer: A Christmas tree

4. Answer: A clock

5. Answer: A table

6. Answer: A bed

7. Answer: A cold

8. Answer: A rubber band

9. Answer: A comb