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How fast can you find the shrimp in this brainteaser?

Brain teasers are so much fun, and they help keep your mind as sharp as possible. They’re even better when created for a good cause.

A TRICKY optical illusion has called on viewers to spot a Shrimp hidden in this busy picture.

Can you find it in less than 1 minute?

It’s a tricky one.

Can you spot the Shrimp?

The clock is ticking …

Maybe you need a hint.

hint: there is no hint for u

Keep scrolling.

Ready for the answer?




Can You find FIVE SEEDLESS watermelons in this brainteaser?

Only eagle-eyed players have managed to find the answer, will you? A new seek-and-find quiz challenges you to spot the FIVE SEEDLESS watermelons in this brain teaser.

The answer will be shown below, scroll down if you can not find the FIVE SEEDLESS watermelons!

… Can’t find them?

Try looking towards the right of the image…

Still no luck?

Or think you’ve found him and want to check?

Scroll down to reveal the answer!


