Home Lifestyle How Many Q’s Are There? Only A Few Can See The Exact...

How Many Q’s Are There? Only A Few Can See The Exact Amount

Only People With a High IQ Can Find The Odd Letter In 10 Seconds!

I discovered this puzzle yesterday (below). I tested it on 3 of my coworkers – and none of them got it right for the first time. So I thought it might be fun to share it with you!

It’s a mystery that challenges the mind and your eyes! It’s important to concentrate and give it your very best shot!

How many Q’s can you see in this picture?

(Remember, you only have 10 seconds to attempt and find them all)

Now make sure you decide on a number!

How many Q’s did you find?

I hope you didn’t take longer than 10 seconds as it gets much easier if you do it with no time pressure!





Below, you can see where all Q’s are:

There are 9 Q’s!

Did you find over 5? You did a fantastic job then!

Only a few people can pass this tricky test – can you find the odd letter out?

Can you find the letter that stands out?

Lately, a new type of challenge has been circulating online, it comprises finding a specific detail in an image.

It is often quite difficult and you must really focus to succeed.

But if you try your best it becomes easier to solve, and you get a boost in confidence from the achievement.

Find a letter that sticks out. Can you?

Okay, here’s the challenge today.

Below there’s a picture filled with Y’s.

The challenge is to find a letter that is not a Y. There a few.

Here is the picture – will you find an odd letter?

Did you see at least one? It’s not easy, but it should be fine if you focus.

If you can’t make it, then the answer is below.






Here is the right answer

The solution comes in the picture below.

There, quite far down the right, there is a T!

A bit more to the left, you can also find both V and X.

It wasn’t easy, and the colors didn’t really help.

Did you solve it on your own? Congratulations on that case!

Comment your answer below 👇