Home Lifestyle Little Johnny comes downstairs crying.

Little Johnny comes downstairs crying.

Little Johnny comes downstairs crying.

His mother asked, “What’s the matter little Johnny?”

“Dad was hanging pictures, and just hit his thumb bang on with the hammer!” said little Johnny through his tears.

His mother was touched by the boy’s sensitivity but didn’t like seeing him cry.

“That’s not so serious.” She tried to soothe him. “Now I know you’re upset, but a big boy like you shouldn’t cry at something like that. That’s something to laugh about.”


“I did!” sobbed Johnny.

LoLLLL, did you laugh? we hope you have a good time enjoying this joke!

A man got a job as a welder

A man answered an ad that read, “Hiring welders $18-$24 per hour.”

When he arrived he was told he’d have to take a welding test.

He turned in 2 sets of welds. One was a great weld, the other was a mess.



When the boss asked him why he did this, he replied, “One is $18/hr, and the other is $24/hr.”