Home Lifestyle Little Johnny is in the first grade

Little Johnny is in the first grade

Little Johnny’s first-grade class was playing “Name That Animal….”

The teacher held up a picture of a cat and asked, “What animal is this?”

“A cat!” said Suzy.

“Good job. Now, what’s this animal?”

“A dog!” said Ricky.

“Good. Now what animal is this?” she asked, holding up a picture of a deer.

The class fell silent. After a couple of minutes, the teacher said, “It’s what your mom calls your dad.”



“I know!” called out Little Johnny. “A b…as….t…a…r…d!”

Little Johnny was digging a Big hole

One day little Johnny was digging a big hole in his backyard.

The next-door neighbor spotted him and decided to investigate.

“Hello Johnny, what are you up to?” he asked.

“My goldfish died and I’m gonna bury him,”  Johnny replied.

“That’s a really big hole for a goldfish, isn’t it?” asked the neighbor.





“That’s because he’s inside your cat!”