Home Lifestyle Little Johnny learns to spell the word “Elephant”

Little Johnny learns to spell the word “Elephant”

Teacher: “Little Johnny, how do you spell “elephant”?”

Little Johnny: “E-L-E-F-A-N-T”

Teacher: “No Johnny, that is incorrect.”

Johnny: “Maybe it is wrong Miss but you asked how I spell it.”

The teacher was asking the end of the day question

The teacher was asking the end-of-the-day question that she asks every Friday.

If the student got it right they would not have to go to school on Monday.

Little Johnny Was determined to answer correctly.

So he painted two black marbles and rolled them to the teacher’s feet.

Suddenly she Shouted out, “Who’s the comedian with the black balls?”.

Johnny shouted out, “Bill Cosby, see ya on Tuesday suckas!”

A teacher asked a student his parent’s names

On the first day of school, the teacher asked a student, “What are your parents’ names?”

The student replied, “My father’s name is Laughing and my mother’s name is Smiling.”

The teacher said, “Are you kidding?”

The student said, “No, Kidding is my brother. I am Joking.”

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