Home Lifestyle Riddle of the day. Can you solve this?

Riddle of the day. Can you solve this?

This riddle is sure to test even the most experienced puzzle solvers, so get comfortable, limber up those mental muscles and get to solving!

The riddle today is: 

I can be long or I can be short. I can be grown and I can be bought. I can be painted or left bare. I can be round or square. What am I?

Can you solve this in less than 1 minute? This one is very familiar to every person.

Think about it, what can be long, can be shot, be grown… LoLLLLL.

Still struggle? scroll down to check out the answer:




The answer is Fingernails.

Riddle me this: Alex spent three days in the hospital.

Today’s challenge is all about thinking fast and smart, not to mention an answer that makes absolute sense too.

Alex spent three days in the hospital. He was neither sick nor injured but had to be carried during discharge. Why?

How fast did you find the answer?







Okay, here’s the right answer! Alex had no other choice because he was born in the hospital. For those who may not be aware, newborn babies spend an average of 3 days at the hospital, before they can be released for supervision under their mother’s care.