Home Lifestyle The guy goes into a pub and orders 7 pints of beer

The guy goes into a pub and orders 7 pints of beer

The guy goes into a pub. He orders 7 pints of beer.

He drinks the first pint, the third pint, the 5th, and the 7th pint, and gets up to leave.

The barman says, “Why are you not drinking the other three pints?”

He says, “Doctors orders.”

“What do you mean by that?” asks the barman.”



“I am on medication and my doctor said to me the odd pint is okay.”

A Rich Wall Street trader visits a village

One day, a rich wall street trader visits a village

During his stay, he sees a young man sleeping every day and doing nothing outside his house. So he decides to persuade him to change his life and goes on to talk to him.

Trader: Hello young man, looks like you have nothing to do. I suggest you come with me to New York.

Man: What happens then?

Trader: I’ll make you a stock trader and you’ll earn lots of money.

Man: What happens then?

Trader: With that new wealth, you can buy a new house, a new car, a yacht, or anything you want.

Man: What happens then?

Trader: You don’t have to worry about your future and have a relaxing life.



Man: What does it look like I am doing right now?