Home Lifestyle Three tourists were driving through Wales.

Three tourists were driving through Wales.

Three tourists were driving through Wales.

As they were approaching Llanfairpwllgwyngyll on the Welsh island of Anglesey, They started arguing about the pronunciation of the town’s name.

“LLan-fair-poo-wee…” said the first.

“No no – it’s llan-fair-pi-well…” argued the second.

“I think we need to ask a local about this,” the third sighed.

They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch.

As they stood at the counter, the third asked the blonde employee:

“Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are… very slowly?”

“Sure!” said the girl behind the counter. She leaned toward them and said: “Burrrrr-gerrrrr-Kinnnnng.”

A paperboy said to a customer one day

A paperboy said to a customer one day, “Mr. Smith, I wish I had twenty customers like you.”

“Gosh, that’s nice to hear,” said Smith, “but I’m kind of surprised considering I never tip all that well and always pay late.



The paperboy said, “I know, but I’d still like twenty customers like you. The problem is I have one hundred and forty!”

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