Home Lifestyle Two monsters went to a Halloween party.

Two monsters went to a Halloween party.

Two monsters went to a Halloween party.

Suddenly one said to the other, “A lady just rolled her eyes at me. What should I do?”

The other monster replied, “Be a gentleman and roll them back to her.”

A young boy knocked on my door on Halloween night and said, “Trick or treat?”

I looked at him and asked, “What have you come as?”

He said, “A werewolf.”

I said, “But you’re not wearing a costume. You’ve just got your normal clothes on.”

He said, “Yeah well, it’s not a full moon yet, is it?”

One night, a lady with a black eye stumbled into the police station.

She told the desk sergeant that she had heard a noise in her back yard and gone to investigate.

The next thing she knew, she was hit in the face and knocked out cold.

An officer was sent to her house to investigate, and he returned a few minutes later, also with a black eye.

‘Did you get hit by the same attacker?’ his captain asked.

‘No, sir,’ he replied. ‘I stepped on the same rake.’

Wife not taking chances.

Every day Francesca went to the cemetery in her village to water the flowers on the grave of her deceased husband Enzo.

When she was finished she always walked backwards when leaving the grave.

One day her friend Bianca asked, “Francesca why do you always leave the cemetery walking backwards?”

Francesca answered, “When Enzo was alive he always told me, ‘You’ve got such a great eyes it could bring a dead man back to life.’ So I’m not taking any chances!”