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Which Door Would You Walk Through? See What It Says About Your Personality

We are attracted to certain aspects and other ones we tend to shy away from. Which door would you choose to walk through? It can tell you a lot about your personality.

All you have to do is look at the four doors below and choose the one you want to walk through. Depending on your current state of mind, and the emotions you are experiencing, your choices will vary. If you are upbeat and happy, you may decide to walk through a different door than on a day when you are feeling stressed and in need of rest.

Which Door Would You Walk Through?

If you chose door #1:

You are a fun person who likes to keep things light and airy. You want to take care of others and appreciate the simple luxuries in life; such as your good meals, favorite candles, or eating artisan bread from the local bakery. You probably have a love for traveling and other cultures.

You want the best for everyone and love creating a welcoming atmosphere. It is important to know that if you ever feel that you need help or support, it is OK to just ask someone.

If you chose door #2:

Your fun and playful personality will keep you young and youthful. Although you are easygoing, you tend to have lower self-confidence and anxiety about specific things in your life. You are generally unorganized; However, you don’t even know where to start to help yourself fix the messy problem. You are a proud individual but you need to learn to love yourself more. You have to take the time to find yourself through the expression of yourself.

How are you currently expressing yourself to the world? Remember, there are people in your area who can help you, but you need to let them know you are willing to receive help. Life is easier when you let people in.

If you chose door #3:

You are a quirky person who always makes everything work. You are an excellent problem solver who prides yourself on your thrifty living. You like to live a simple life and usually get by with the basics. Why would you need anything else? You are very easy to please and like to do things for others.

Whether it be fixing your neighbor’s toilet, building a birdhouse for your mother out of reclaimed wood, or helping your friend find a great living room set at the thrift shop. You are always there to help. Remember that life is special. It is OK to treat yourself to amazing things. You are special too!

If you chose door #4:

You are an old soul who can be dramatic easily. You are a very artistic person who loves to express yourself through writing, music, art, or some other type of expression. You are a dichotomy; because you can be very open and friendly, but also closed and deeply private. You often have your guard up, keeping your thoughts and troubles to yourself.

Although you might think that nobody will truly understand you, if you open up and share your feelings, you will feel so much better. Deep down you are not right with any imperfections and you feel the need to come across as “the rock” in any group situation. Know that people are willing to share their feelings with you and want you to share your feelings with them.

What do you think about your choice? Does the answer you received sound accurate to you? 

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