Home Lifestyle which is the broken part of the bone?

which is the broken part of the bone?

Two Dogs Pinny And Pinnu were fighting over the bone and eventually, a small piece fell off the bone.

Out of 14 small bone pieces which is the broken part of the bone?

You have 50 seconds to find a suitable piece.

Firstly, you may think the number 13 is the most suitable piece. But it’s not!

Look at the picture again, can you find it?

Scroll down if you wanted to find the right answer:




How fast can you find the different emoji in this brainteaser?

Recently, Players have been challenged to find the odd emoji in this bunch of emojis.

According to the creator. The record time to find all three is 40 seconds. Can you beat it?

Are you up to the challenge, let’s go

It’s a tricky one.

Can you spot it?

The clock is ticking …

Maybe you need a hint.

hint: concentrate on the center of the pic.

Keep scrolling.

Ready for the answer?


