Home Lifestyle Which woman is the child’s mother?

Which woman is the child’s mother?

In the picture below, two women are sitting opposite each other. Your mission is to find out who the boy’s mother is.

This is not a trick question where the answer is something like “neither of them is” – one of the women definitely is. But is it the one to the right or the left?

Can you figure out which of them is the child’s mother? Can you figure it out?

The answer is listed under this photo, so decide now – the woman to the right, or to the left?

It’s not easy, but there is one small detail that reveals the correct answer.

If you don’t manage to come up with it, we’ll report the solution below.




Here is the answer

Okay, do you have your answer ready?

The correct answer: the woman on the left is the child’s mother.

When toddlers play, they subconsciously face their parents as an act of asking for approval. So dear friend, you found the right answer. Also, the boy is facing his mother. That’s the natural thing for a child to do when their mother is nearby. It is an instinctive response.

Did you get it right? Congratulations on that case!